Zymsul Syrup | Ayurvedic Syrup


Product Information:

Zymsul Syrup is a polyherbal formulation enriched with various phytoconstituents like flavonoids, electrolytes, and natural enzymes essential for effective digestion, better assimilation, relieving flatulence, and toning the Gastrointestinal tract. Zymnet acts as carminative by preventing gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract. It acts as an appetizer by sensitizing oral taste receptors, facilitating gut motility. It inhibits spasms and pain in the stomach by inhibiting the influx of calcium ions through smooth muscles. Zymnet thereby can be used as all-time digestive preparation for family, being completely safe and effective.
It is an excellent carminative for calm continuous relief:
Reduces spasms in abdominal pains by providing essential oils, terpenes, etc., exerting spasmolytic action, reducing muscular contractions.
Prevents Nausea and vomiting without sedation by reducing smooth muscles contraction through calcium channel blocking actions.
Relieves Acid Eructation by toning the gastrointestinal motility in descending order.
Checks chronic or habitual Constipation by improving overall digestive health and regularizing gut motility.

Each 10 ml of Zymsul Syrup contains:

A. Aqueous extracts derived from:
Pudina (Mentha Piperita) 200 mg, Trikatu (An equl. mix of Piper longum, Fr. + Piper nigrum, Fr. + Zingiber Officinale, Rz., Prcd.) 150 mg, Jeera (Cuminum cyminum) 100 mg, Amalvetes (Garcinia pedunculata, Fr.) 50 mg, Haritaki (Terminalia chebula, Fr. P.) 50 mg, Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica, Rt.) 50 mg, Dhania (Coriandrum sativum, Fr.) 50 mg, Badi Elaichi (Amomum subulatam, Fr. ) 50 mg, Anardana (Punica granatum, Sd.) 50 mg, Vavding (Embelia ribes, Fr.) 50 mg, Ajmod (Apium graveolens, Fr.) 50 mg, Piplamool (Piper longum, St.) 25 mg, Dalchini (Cinamomum zeylanicum, St. Bk.) 25 mg
B. Liquid:
Adraka Ras (Zingiber officinale juice, Rz., Prcd.) 200 mg, Neembu Ras (Citrus limon juice, Fr. Prcd.): 200 mg
C. Powders of:
Yavakshar (W.S. ash of Hordeum Vulgare, Prcd.) 50 mg, Kalanamak (Unaqua Sodium Chloride, Prcd.) 50 mg, Imlikshar (W.S. ash of Tamarindus Indica, Prcd.) 50 mg, Sajjikshar (Classical Ay. Preparation, Prcd) 50 mg, Nausadar Sudh (Ammonium chloride purified, Prcd.) 50 mg, Saindhava (Sodi Chloridum, Min.): 25 mg, Sugar Syrup Base q.s. and Excipients q.s.
Other Ingredients:
Sodium Chloridum
Colour: Lemon Yellow [Tartrazine (Cl 19140), Sodium Chloride]

Key Benefits:

Improves digestion by toning the digestive secretions and also the secretions of bile, thereby fastening digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
Regains Appetite by stimulating taste buds, toning intestinal motility, and also enhancing digestion (catabolism).
Relieves Gripes & Colics by inhibiting the spasm and pain due to reducing the influx of calcium ions through smooth muscles and cytoprotective actions.
Usage Direction:
Zymsul Syrup is recommended to consume orally in a dose & direction as prescribed by the physician.
Before consumption always go through the leaflet or label instruction that comes up with the product.
Safety Information:
If allergic to any ingredients of Zymsul Syrup, let the physician know straight away.
The physician should be well informed when concomitant consumption of this one with other medicine.
Seek precaution during pregnancy and lactation.
Storage Condition:
Store in a cool and dry place. Away from direct sunlight. Do not refrigerate.
Keep out of reach of children.